GoLang MongoDB\Driver\Session::getOperationTime

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GoLang replacement for PHP's MongoDB\Driver\Session::getOperationTime [edit | history]

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PHP MongoDB\Driver\Session::getOperationTime

PHP original manual for MongoDB\Driver\Session::getOperationTime [ show | php.net ]


(mongodb >=1.4.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Session::getOperationTimeReturns the operation time for this session


final public MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp|null MongoDB\Driver\Session::getOperationTime ( void )

Returns the operation time for this session. If the session has not been used for any operation and MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime() has not been called, the operation time will be NULL


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns the operation time for this session, or NULL if the session has no operation time.


See Also