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GoLang MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime
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GoLang replacement for PHP's MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime
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PHP MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTimePHP original manual for MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime [ show | ]MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime(mongodb >=1.4.0) MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime — Advances the operation time for this session Description
final public void MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime
( MongoDB\BSON\TimestampInterface
)Advances the operation time for this session. If the operation time is less than or equal to the session's current operation time, this function is a no-op. By using this method in conjunction with MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceClusterTime() to copy the operation and cluster times from another session, you can ensure that operations in this session are causally consistent with the last operation in the other session. Parameters
Return ValuesNo value is returned. Errors/Exceptions
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