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GoLang Threaded::getTerminationInfo
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GoLang replacement for PHP's Threaded::getTerminationInfo
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PHP Threaded::getTerminationInfoPHP original manual for Threaded::getTerminationInfo [ show | ]Threaded::getTerminationInfo(PECL pthreads < 3.0.0) Threaded::getTerminationInfo — Error Detection Warning
This method has been removed in pthreads v3. Instead, the body of Threaded::run() can be wrapped in a try...catch block to detect errors (since most errors in PHP 7 have been converted to exceptions). Description
public array Threaded::getTerminationInfo
( void
Retrieves terminal error information from the referenced object ParametersThis function has no parameters. Return Valuesarray containing the termination conditions of the referenced object Examples
Example #1 Detecting fatal errors in Threads
<?php The above example will output: bool(true) array(4) { ["scope"]=> string(2) "My" ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["file"]=> string(29) "/usr/src/pthreads/sandbox.php" ["line"]=> int(4) } |
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