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GoLang mysqli_result::fetch_fields
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GoLang replacement for PHP's mysqli_result::fetch_fields
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PHP mysqli_result::fetch_fieldsPHP original manual for mysqli_result::fetch_fields [ show | ]mysqli_result::fetch_fieldsmysqli_fetch_fields(PHP 5, PHP 7) mysqli_result::fetch_fields -- mysqli_fetch_fields — Returns an array of objects representing the fields in a result set DescriptionObject oriented style
array mysqli_result::fetch_fields
( void
Procedural style This function serves an identical purpose to the mysqli_fetch_field() function with the single difference that, instead of returning one object at a time for each field, the columns are returned as an array of objects. Parameters
Return Values
Returns an array of objects which contains field definition information or
ExamplesExample #1 Object oriented style
<?php Example #2 Procedural style
<?php The above examples will output: ====================== Character Set: latin1 ====================== Name: actor_id Table: actor Max. Len: 3 Length: 5 charsetnr: 63 Flags: 49699 Type: 2 Name: last_name Table: actor Max. Len: 12 Length: 45 charsetnr: 8 Flags: 20489 Type: 253 ====================== Character Set: utf8 ====================== Name: actor_id Table: actor Max. Len: 3 Length: 5 charsetnr: 63 Flags: 49699 Type: 2 Name: last_name Table: actor Max. Len: 12 Length: 135 charsetnr: 33 Flags: 20489 See Also
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