GoLang MongoDB::setProfilingLevel

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GoLang replacement for PHP's MongoDB::setProfilingLevel [edit | history]

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PHP MongoDB::setProfilingLevel

PHP original manual for MongoDB::setProfilingLevel [ show | php.net ]


(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)

MongoDB::setProfilingLevelSets this database's profiling level


public int MongoDB::setProfilingLevel ( int $level )

This changes the current database profiling level.

This function is equivalent to running:


public function setProfilingLevel($level) {
$this->command(array('profile' => $level));


The options for level are 0 (off), 1 (queries > 100ms), and 2 (all queries). If you would like to profile queries that take longer than another time period, use the database command and pass it a second option, the number of milliseconds. For example, to profile all queries that take longer than one second, run:


$this->command(array('profile' => 1'slowms' => 1000));


Profiled queries will appear in the system.profile collection of this database.



Profiling level.

Return Values

Returns the previous profiling level.

See Also