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GoLang MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount
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GoLang replacement for PHP's MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount
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PHP MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCountPHP original manual for MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount [ show | ]MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount(mongodb >=1.0.0) MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount — Returns the number of existing documents updated Description
final public integer|null MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount
( void
If the update operation results in no change to the document (e.g. setting the value of a field to its current value), the modified count may be less than the value returned by MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getMatchedCount(). ParametersThis function has no parameters. Return Values
Returns the number of existing documents updated, or
The modified count is not available on versions of MongoDB before 2.6, which
used the legacy wire protocol version (i.e. OP_UPDATE). If this is the case,
the modified count will also be Errors/Exceptions
ExamplesExample #1 MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount() example
<?php The above example will output: int(1) See Also
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