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GoLang MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize
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GoLang replacement for PHP's MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize
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PHP MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerializePHP original manual for MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize [ show | ]MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize(mongodb >=1.2.0) MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize — Returns an object for BSON serialization Description
final public object MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize
( void
ParametersThis function has no parameters. Return ValuesReturns an object for serializing the ReadPreference as BSON. Errors/Exceptions
ExamplesExample #1 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize() with primary read preference
<?php The above example will output something similar to: object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["mode"]=> string(7) "primary" } { "mode" : "primary" } Example #2 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize() with secondary read preference and tag sets
<?php The above example will output something similar to: object(stdClass)#2 (2) { ["mode"]=> string(9) "secondary" ["tags"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1 (1) { ["dc"]=> string(2) "ny" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#5 (2) { ["dc"]=> string(2) "sf" ["use"]=> string(9) "reporting" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#4 (0) { } } } { "mode" : "secondary", "tags" : [ { "dc" : "ny" }, { "dc" : "sf", "use" : "reporting" }, { } ] } Example #3 MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize() with secondary read preference and max staleness
<?php The above example will output something similar to: object(stdClass)#2 (2) { ["mode"]=> string(9) "secondary" ["maxStalenessSeconds"]=> int(120) } { "mode" : "secondary", "maxStalenessSeconds" : 120 } See Also
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