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GoLang IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone
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GoLang replacement for PHP's IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone
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PHP IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZonePHP original manual for IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone [ show | ]IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZonedatefmt_get_timezone(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL intl >= 3.0.0) IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone -- datefmt_get_timezone — Get formatterʼs timezone DescriptionObject oriented style Procedural style Returns an IntlTimeZone object representing the timezone that will be used by this object to format dates and times. When formatting IntlCalendar and DateTime objects with this IntlDateFormatter, the timezone used will be the one returned by this method, not the one associated with the objects being formatted. ParametersThis function has no parameters. Return Values
The associated IntlTimeZone
object or Examples
Example #1 IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone() examples
<?php The above example will output: object(IntlTimeZone)#4 (4) { ["valid"]=> bool(true) ["id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Madrid" ["rawOffset"]=> int(3600000) ["currentOffset"]=> int(7200000) } Spain Time Europe/Lisbon Europe/Lisbon See Also
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