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GoLang IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject
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GoLang replacement for PHP's IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject
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PHP IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObjectPHP original manual for IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject [ show | ]IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObjectdatefmt_get_calendar_object(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL intl >= 3.0.0) IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject -- datefmt_get_calendar_object — Get copy of formatterʼs calendar object DescriptionObject oriented style Procedural style Obtain a copy of the calendar object used internally by this formatter. This calendar will have a type (as in gregorian, japanese, buddhist, roc, persian, islamic, etc.) and a timezone that match the type and timezone used by the formatter. The date/time of the object is unspecified. ParametersThis function has no parameters. Return ValuesA copy of the internal calendar object used by this formatter. Examples
Example #1 IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject() example
<?php The above example will output: string(7) "islamic" object(IntlTimeZone)#3 (4) { ["valid"]=> bool(true) ["id"]=> string(9) "GMT-01:00" ["rawOffset"]=> int(-3600000) ["currentOffset"]=> int(-3600000) } string(5) "fr_FR" See Also
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