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GoLang IntlChar::getPropertyEnum
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GoLang replacement for PHP's IntlChar::getPropertyEnum
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IntlChar::getPropertyEnum(PHP 7) IntlChar::getPropertyEnum — Get the property constant value for a given property name Description
public static int IntlChar::getPropertyEnum
( string
)Returns the property constant value for a given property name, as specified in the Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt. Short, long, and any other variants are recognized.
In addition, this function maps the synthetic names "gcm" / "General_Category_Mask" to the property
This function compliments IntlChar::getPropertyName(). Parameters
Return Values
Returns an IntlChar::PROPERTY_ constant value,
or ExamplesExample #1 Testing different properties
<?php The above example will output: bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) |
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