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GoLang IntlCalendar::getErrorCode
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GoLang replacement for PHP's IntlCalendar::getErrorCode
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PHP IntlCalendar::getErrorCodePHP original manual for IntlCalendar::getErrorCode [ show | ]IntlCalendar::getErrorCodeintlcal_get_error_code(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1) IntlCalendar::getErrorCode -- intlcal_get_error_code — Get last error code on the object DescriptionObject oriented style (method):
public int IntlCalendar::getErrorCode
( void
Procedural style:
Returns the numeric ICU error code for the last call on this object
(including cloning) or the IntlCalendar given for
the Invalid arguments detected on the PHP side (before invoking functions of the ICU library) are not recorded for the purposes of this function. The last error that occurred in any call to a function of the intl extension, including early argument errors, can be obtained with intl_get_error_code(). This function resets the global error code, but not the objectʼs error code. Parameters
Return ValuesAn ICU error code indicating either success, failure or a warning. Examples
Example #1 IntlCalendar::getErrorCode() and IntlCalendar::getErrorMessage()
<?php The above example will output: int(0) string(12) "U_ZERO_ERROR" Warning: IntlCalendar::fieldDifference(): intlcal_field_difference: Call to ICU method has failed in /home/glopes/php/ws/example.php on line 10 int(1) string(81) "intlcal_field_difference: Call to ICU method has failed: U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR" See Also
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