GoLang svn_ls

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GoLang replacement for PHP's svn_ls [edit | history]

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PHP svn_ls

PHP original manual for svn_ls [ show | php.net ]


(PECL svn >= 0.1.0)

svn_lsReturns list of directory contents in repository URL, optionally at revision number


array svn_ls ( string $repos_url [, int $revision_no = SVN_REVISION_HEAD [, bool $recurse = FALSE [, bool $peg = FALSE ]]] )

This function queries the repository URL and returns a list of files and directories, optionally from a specific revision. This is equivalent to svn list $repos_url[@$revision_no]


This function does not work with working copies. repos_url must be a repository URL.



URL of the repository, eg. http://www.example.com/svnroot. To access a local Subversion repository via filesystem, use the file URI scheme, eg. file:///home/user/svn-repos


Integer revision number to retrieve listing of. When omitted, the HEAD revision is used.


Enables recursion.

Return Values

On success, this function returns an array file listing in the format of:

[0] => Array
        [created_rev] => integer revision number of last edit
        [last_author] => string author name of last edit
        [size] => integer byte file size of file
        [time] => string date of last edit in form 'M d H:i'
                  or 'M d Y', depending on how old the file is
        [time_t] => integer unix timestamp of last edit
        [name] => name of file/directory
        [type] => type, can be 'file' or 'dir'
[1] => ...



This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, its name, and surrounding documentation may change without notice in a future release of PHP. This function should be used at your own risk.


Example #1 svn_ls() example

svn_ls('http://www.example.com/svnroot/') );

The above example will output something similar to:

    [0] => Array
            [created_rev] => 20
            [last_author] => Joe
            [size] => 0
            [time] => Apr 02 09:28
            [time_t] => 1175520529
            [name] => tags
            [type] => dir
    [1] => Array
            [created_rev] => 23
            [last_author] => Bob
            [size] => 0
            [time] => Apr 02 15:15
            [time_t] => 1175541322
            [name] => trunk
            [type] => dir