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GoLang sqlite_array_query
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GoLang replacement for PHP's sqlite_array_query
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sqlite_array_querySQLiteDatabase::arrayQuery(PHP 5 < 5.4.0, PECL sqlite >= 1.0.0) sqlite_array_query -- SQLiteDatabase::arrayQuery — Execute a query against a given database and returns an array Description
array sqlite_array_query
( resource
, string $query
[, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH
[, bool $decode_binary = TRUE
]] )
array sqlite_array_query
( string
, resource $dbhandle
[, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH
[, bool $decode_binary = TRUE
]] )Object oriented style (method):
public array SQLiteDatabase::arrayQuery
( string
[, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH
[, bool $decode_binary = TRUE
]] )sqlite_array_query() executes the given query and returns an array of the entire result set. It is similar to calling sqlite_query() and then sqlite_fetch_array() for each row in the result set. sqlite_array_query() is significantly faster than the aforementioned. Tip
sqlite_array_query() is best suited to queries returning 45 rows or less. If you have more data than that, it is recommended that you write your scripts to use sqlite_unbuffered_query() instead for more optimal performance. Parameters
Return Values
Returns an array of the entire result set; The column names returned by
Example #1 Procedural style
Example #2 Object-oriented style
<?php See Also
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