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GoLang mysql_field_flags
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GoLang replacement for PHP's mysql_field_flags
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mysql_field_flags(PHP 4, PHP 5) mysql_field_flags — Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result Warning
This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide and related FAQ for more information. Alternatives to this function include:
string mysql_field_flags
( resource
, int $field_offset
)mysql_field_flags() returns the field flags of the specified field. The flags are reported as a single word per flag separated by a single space, so that you can split the returned value using explode(). Parameters
Return Values
Returns a string of flags associated with the result or The following flags are reported, if your version of MySQL is current enough to support them: "not_null", "primary_key", "unique_key", "multiple_key", "blob", "unsigned", "zerofill", "binary", "enum", "auto_increment" and "timestamp". Examples
Example #1 A mysql_field_flags() example
<?php The above example will output something similar to: not_null primary_key auto_increment Array ( [0] => not_null [1] => primary_key [2] => auto_increment ) Notes
See Also
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