GoLang mt_getrandmax

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GoLang replacement for PHP's mt_getrandmax [edit | history]

Do you know a GoLang replacement for PHP's mt_getrandmax? Write it!

PHP mt_getrandmax

PHP original manual for mt_getrandmax [ show | php.net ]


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

mt_getrandmaxShow largest possible random value


int mt_getrandmax ( void )

Returns the maximum value that can be returned by a call to mt_rand().

Return Values

Returns the maximum random value returned by a call to mt_rand() without arguments, which is the maximum value that can be used for its max parameter without the result being scaled up (and therefore less random).


Example #1 Calculate a random floating-point number

function randomFloat($min 0$max 1) {
$min mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max $min);


The above example will output something similar to:


See Also

  • mt_rand() - Generate a random value via the Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
  • mt_srand() - Seeds the Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
  • getrandmax() - Show largest possible random value