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func_num_args(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) func_num_args — Returns the number of arguments passed to the function Description
int func_num_args
( void
Gets the number of arguments passed to the function. This function may be used in conjunction with func_get_arg() and func_get_args() to allow user-defined functions to accept variable-length argument lists. Return ValuesReturns the number of arguments passed into the current user-defined function. Changelog
Errors/ExceptionsGenerates a warning if called from outside of a user-defined function. Examples
Example #1 func_num_args() example
<?php The above example will output: Number of arguments: 3
Example #2 func_num_args() example before and after PHP 5.3
test.php Output previous to PHP 5.3: 2 Output in PHP 5.3 and later will be something similar to: Warning: func_num_args(): Called from the global scope - no function context in /home/torben/Desktop/code/ml/fna.php on line 3 -1 Notes
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