GoLang bzerrno

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GoLang replacement for PHP's bzerrno [edit | history]

Do you know a GoLang replacement for PHP's bzerrno? Write it!

PHP bzerrno

PHP original manual for bzerrno [ show | php.net ]


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

bzerrnoReturns a bzip2 error number


int bzerrno ( resource $bz )

Returns the error number of any bzip2 error returned by the given file pointer.



The file pointer. It must be valid and must point to a file successfully opened by bzopen().

Return Values

Returns the error number as an integer.

See Also

  • bzerror() - Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in an array
  • bzerrstr() - Returns a bzip2 error string