GoLang AppendIterator::__construct

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GoLang replacement for PHP's AppendIterator::__construct [edit | history]

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PHP AppendIterator::__construct

PHP original manual for AppendIterator::__construct [ show | php.net ]


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)

AppendIterator::__constructConstructs an AppendIterator


public AppendIterator::__construct ( void )

Constructs an AppendIterator.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

No value is returned.


Example #1 Iterating AppendIterator with foreach

= new ArrayIterator(array('Margarita''Siciliana''Hawaii'));
$toppings = new ArrayIterator(array('Cheese''Anchovies''Olives''Pineapple''Ham'));

$appendIterator = new AppendIterator;

foreach (
$appendIterator as $key => $item) {
$key ' => ' $item PHP_EOL;

The above example will output:

0 => Margarita
1 => Siciliana
2 => Hawaii
0 => Cheese
1 => Anchovies
2 => Olives
3 => Pineapple
4 => Ham

Example #2 Iterating AppendIterator with the AppendIterator API

= new ArrayIterator(array('Margarita''Siciliana''Hawaii'));
$toppings = new ArrayIterator(array('Cheese''Anchovies''Olives''Pineapple''Ham'));

$appendIterator = new AppendIterator;

while (
$appendIterator->valid()) {
'%s => %s => %s%s',

The above example will output:

0 => 0 => Margarita
0 => 1 => Siciliana
0 => 2 => Hawaii
1 => 0 => Cheese
1 => 1 => Anchovies
1 => 2 => Olives
1 => 3 => Pineapple
1 => 4 => Ham



When using iterator_to_array() to copy the values of the AppendIterator into an array, you have to set the optional use_key argument to FALSE. When use_key is not FALSE any keys reoccuring in inner iterators will get overwritten in the returned array. There is no way to preserve the original keys.

See Also